
Sergio Ramos: 'De gele kaart tegen Ajax was zeker een fout'

11 maart 2019 13:04 - Instagram Sergio Ramos
Foto: Pro Shots

Sergio Ramos: "De gele kaart tegen Ajax was zeker een fout"; image source: Pro Shots

De afgelopen weken is er in Spanje veel kritiek op Real Madrid geweest. Via Instagram heeft aanvoerder Sergio Ramos in een statement gereageerd op die kritiek. Zo gaat hij onder meer in op de gele kaart die hij in Amsterdam opzettelijk pakte. "Dat was zeker een fout en daar neem ik voor 200% de verantwoordelijkheid voor", aldus Ramos.

De verdediger kreeg ook veel over zich heen, omdat hij zich tijdens de wedstrijd in Madrid liet filmen voor een documentaire over zichzelf. "Er zijn bepaalde toezeggingen gedaan. Het is nooit in mijn gedachte opgekomen dat de wedstrijd zo zou kunnen gaan zoals het nu gelopen is", zegt hij daarover. "De opnames werden toen de wedstrijd bezig was ook verminderd."

Dit bericht bekijken op Instagram

As footballers we like to do our talking on the pitch but this season is not turning out that way. Recent events have been disastrous and I’m not hiding. We are not hiding. We the players are primarily responsible and I, as captain, more than anyone. That's why I thought that the most honest way to answer the questions that are circulating around us would be to tackle them directly. Was the yellow card in Amsterdam an error? Absolutely it was an error and I take the blame 200%. Why did you record the documentary? There are certain commitments made and it never remotely went through my head that the game could have turned out as it did. The recording itself was scaled down as the game went on. Did you argue with the President in the dressing room? Dressing room issues are discussed and resolved in the dressing room. There's no problem whatsoever and everybody has the same interest: Real Madrid. Did you address your teammates and criticize them? We always talk and motivate each other in the dressing room and always in a constructive way. Did you have a confrontation with Marcelo? We have exchanges in every training session. It's part of working with pressure. But it’s just an anecdote like so many others that happen from day to day. @Marcelotwelve is like a brother to me. Why did you travel to Valladolid? Because I wanted to be close and support my teammates. What's happening with the coach? It’s a decision that’s not ours to make and in which we never interfere. We have enormous respect for the position and we always support the Real Madrid coach. These reflections are, without doubt, the result of a deeply disappointing season but if success didn’t stop us, we're not going to let defeat stop us. It's our obligation to carry on, to work and to evolve. And to remember that some of us are lucky enough to play for @realmadrid, some of us are lucky enough to form part of its history, but #RealMadrid was, is and will always be #RealMadrid. No one name makes the legend of Real Madrid, but we have all written that legend together. Together we have to work for the future and restore our hope. Madridista Commitment. #HalaMadrid

Een bericht gedeeld door Sergio Ramos (@sergioramos) op 11 Mrt 2019 om 4:32 (PDT)

Meer op Instagram Sergio Ramos


ramos sergio madrid documentaire filmen opnames opzettelijk statement verminderd

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